Dr. Amit Shah, a Senior Consultant Neurologist with 20 years practicing in Borivali, Goregaon, and the suburbs of Mumbai, provides insights into physiotherapy exercises for 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy. This condition can significantly impact daily life, but with the right exercises, its symptoms can be managed effectively, improving the quality of life for patients.

One of the leading neurologists in Mumbai, offering treatments for a range of neurological conditions including headaches, stroke, epilepsy, parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, dementia, tremor, dystonia, nervous system infections, movement disorders, degenerative brain disorders, muscle diseases, and various other neurological disorders.

What is 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy?

3rd Nerve Bell Palsy is a condition affecting the third cranial nerve, which controls most of the eye’s movements. Damage or inflammation to this nerve can lead to double vision, drooping eyelid, and difficulty moving the eye in certain directions.

Causes of 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy

The causes of 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy vary and can include viral infections, trauma, or other neurological conditions. Identifying the root cause is essential for effective treatment.

Symptoms of 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy

  • Double vision
  • Drooping eyelid
  • Difficulty moving the eye inward or upward
  • Pain around the eye

Benefits of Exercise for Nerve Health

Regular exercise can enhance nerve health by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and encouraging nerve regeneration. For 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy, specific exercises can help retrain the muscles controlled by the affected nerve.

Targeted exercises improve muscle strength and coordination, aiding in faster recovery and better symptom management. Regular performance of these exercises can gradually restore normal eye movement and reduce discomfort.

Precautions Before Starting Exercises

It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise regimen to ensure its safety and suitability for the condition.
Correct technique is crucial for effectiveness and to avoid further injury. Performing the exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist initially is advisable.
Overexertion can worsen symptoms. Start slowly and increase the intensity of exercises as comfort levels increase.

▶️ Exercise For Right 3rd Nerve Palsy | Dr.Amit Shah | Consultant Neurologist (M.D)

Exercise 1: Inward Finger Movement

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Close the left eye.
  • Place a finger in front of the right eye.
  • Move the finger inward while keeping the head straight.
  • Follow the finger with the eye as far inward as possible.
  • Return the finger to the starting position.
  • Repeat several times.

Detailed Explanation

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles controlling inward eye movement, which can be particularly weak in 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Moving the head instead of the eye.

Not focusing on the finger.

Tips for Effectiveness

Perform the exercise in a quiet, distraction-free environment.

Focus on slow, controlled movements.

Exercise 2: Upward Finger Movement

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Close the left eye.
  • Place a finger in front of the right eye.
  • Move the finger upward while keeping the head straight.
  • Follow the finger with the eye as far upward as possible.
  • Return the finger to the starting position.
  • Repeat several times.

Detailed Explanation

This exercise targets the muscles responsible for upward eye movement, helping to improve strength and coordination.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Not moving the eye fully upward.

Moving the head instead of the eye.

Tips for Effectiveness

Perform in front of a mirror to ensure correct form.

Take breaks if any strain is felt.

Exercise 3: Looking Upwards

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Close the left eye.
  • Look towards the ceiling as far as possible.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat multiple times throughout the day.

Detailed Explanation

This exercise further strengthens the upward movement muscles and helps with overall eye mobility.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Rushing through the exercise.

Not holding the position long enough.

Tips for Effectiveness

Perform slowly and with concentration.

Ensure the head remains still.

Exercise 4: Left Eye Movements

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Close the right eye.
  • Hold a pen in front of the left eye with the right hand.
  • Move the finger inward toward the nose without moving the head.
  • Follow the pen with the eye as far inward as possible.
  • Look up as far as possible while moving the finger up.
  • Take a break, then bring the finger back slowly.
  • Repeat regularly.

Detailed Explanation

These exercises help manage the left eye, ensuring both eyes are worked on to promote balanced recovery.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
Moving the head instead of the eye.
Performing the exercises too quickly.

Tips for Effectiveness
Focus on slow, deliberate movements.
Take breaks to prevent strain.

Setting aside specific times each day for exercises ensures consistency, which is essential for seeing improvement. Incorporating exercises into daily routines, such as after meals or before bed, and using reminders or alarms can help stay on track. Keeping a journal to record any improvements or difficulties can maintain motivation and allow for adjustments to the routine as needed. While some discomfort is normal, it is important to stop the exercises and consult a healthcare provider if pain is experienced. Setting small, achievable goals and celebrating progress can also help stay motivated. As progress is made, the intensity or duration of the exercises may need adjustment; consulting a physiotherapist for guidance is advisable. Regular breaks prevent eye strain and support overall eye health, so it is important to listen to your body and take breaks whenever you feel tired or strained. Short, frequent breaks are often more beneficial than longer, infrequent ones. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports nerve health and recovery, so including foods high in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins B12 and D is beneficial. Staying hydrated is also crucial for overall health and aids in the recovery process, so aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

Look for signs such as reduced double vision, improved eye movement, and less discomfort. These indicate progress.
If no improvement is seen after a few weeks or if symptoms worsen, seek further medical advice.

Regular exercise plays a vital role in managing 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy. Consistency and correct technique are key to seeing improvement. With dedication and proper guidance, significant progress can be made.


How often should these exercises be done?
The exercises should be done several times a day, as recommended by a healthcare provider.

What should be done if pain is experienced during the exercises?
If pain is experienced, stop the exercises and consult a healthcare provider.

Can these exercises cure 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy?
Ans: While exercises can significantly improve symptoms, they may not cure the condition. Always follow a healthcare provider’s guidance.

How long does it take to see improvement?
Improvement times vary; some may see progress within weeks, while others might take longer.

Are there other treatments for 3rd Nerve Bell Palsy?
Yes, other treatments include medication, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery. Consult a healthcare provider for a comprehensive treatment plan.

For expert care and personalized advice, consult Dr. Amit Shah, a renowned neurologist in Mumbai. Begin your journey to better health and well-being today!